
Author, Webmaster, Purpose, and Moderation:
(Fran)Cisco J Grajales III is responsible for the authorship and moderation of this blog. Moderation occurs no less than once a week. Cisco is a a Doctoral Fellow in Health Care, Technology and Place at the Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, a board certified exercise physiologist, and a medic in the Canadian Armed Forces. His professional credentials can be found on his LinkedIn profile.

This website is intended to inform and promote knowledge discovery among healthcare professionals and patients alike. Anyone may read, post/delete a comment, or use the information within https://franciscograjales.com with the appropriate attribution (Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License).

All users of this site are considered non medial professionals unless otherwise stated. It is expected that all comments will be true, correct, respectful, honest, and if medical information is provided, that it is appropriately referenced. Should the moderator find a user promoting non evidence-based practices, aside from personal experiences, comments will be deleted and those users will be banned from this site.

The information provided on franciscograjales.com is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. All comments by users on this site are publicly visible and may not be deleted nor modified once posted.

Peer review on all aspects and posts on this site are requested and encouraged.  If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact assistant@franciscograjales.com

Medical Abjuration:
Francisco J Grajales III disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, or operability or availability of information or material displayed on this website. All content on the website should be considered dynamic and changing over time. Content should only be considered valid as of the date of entry upon the website. Francisco J Grajales III utilizes internal and external links within its content. The author makes no express or implied endorsements or warranties of any links containing information, products, or services in terms of accuracy, appropriateness, quality, relevancy, or timeliness. Links may change over time and should only be considered valid as of the date they were placed on the website. All links to contents on other websites are subject to the policies of those websites. Francisco J Grajales III provides no professional advice or services. If you need legal advice, please consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. If you need medical advice, please consult a licensed physician in your jurisdiction.

With the exception of usage a log, the author guarantees readers that https://franciscograjales.com will not collect personal information about its visitors in any way, shape, or form. Personal information received by Francisco J. Grajales III through other forms of communication (e.g. email, SMS, etc) will be archived and kept confidential. Usage logs and archived information will only be  used to improve this site and will not be sold or released to a third party.

Funding and Advertisement Policy:
The author privately funds this blog and will not accept or host advertisements of any kind. He does not have any conflicts of interest, unless directly disclosed in individual posts.

Francisco J Grajales III would also like to express his gratitude to Tim Sturgill, MD, JD for providing the blueprint for this disclaimer.

Last date of Modification:
November 2nd, 2011